xSGE Particles

xSGE is a collection of higher-level extensions for the SGE which enhance the core functionality in an implementation-independent way. Like the SGE itself, they are distribted under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License.

This extension provides particle effects for the SGE.

xsge_particle Classes


class xsge_particle.Emitter(x, y, z=0, interval=1, chance=1, particle_cls=<class 'xsge_particle.Particle'>, particle_args=None, particle_kwargs=None, particle_lambda_args=None, particle_lambda_kwargs=None, tangible=False, **kwargs)

Class for object emitters. These are sge.dsp.Object objects which create other sge.dsp.Object objects of a specified class at a specified interval.

To randomize the way particles are created, extend event_create_particle() in a derived class.


An alarm with the name "__emitter" in event_alarm() is used to control the timing. It is initially set by event_create().


The number of frames to wait in between the creation of each particle (adjusted for delta timing).


The chance (out of 1) of a particle actually being created at each iteration. This can be used to make particle generation uneven.


The class to use for the particles created. Any class derived from sge.dsp.Object will work.


The ordered arguments to pass to created particles' constructor methods. If set to None, an empty list is used.


The keyword arguments to pass to created particles' constructor methods. If set to None, an empty dictionary is used.


A list of functions which, when a particle is about to be created, are called and have the returned values passed to the particle's constructor method instead of the corresponding index of particle_args. This emitter is passed to each of these functions as the first argument.

Values in the list set to None are ignored. If this list is longer than particle_args, any arguments not set by either of these lists are set to None.

If set to None, an empty list is used.


A dictionary of functions which, when a particle is about to be created, are called and have the returned values passed to the particle's constructor method instead of the corresponding key of particle_kwargs. This emitter is passed to each of these functions as the first argument.

If set to None, an empty dictionary is used.

xsge_particle.Emitter Methods

Emitter.__init__(x, y, z=0, interval=1, chance=1, particle_cls=<class 'xsge_particle.Particle'>, particle_args=None, particle_kwargs=None, particle_lambda_args=None, particle_lambda_kwargs=None, tangible=False, **kwargs)

Arguments set the respective initial attributes of the object. See the documentation for Emitter for more information.

x, y, z, tangible, and all arguments passed to kwargs are passed as the corresponding arguments to the constructor method of sge.dsp.Object.

xsge_particle.Emitter Event Methods


Called immediately after the emitter creates a particle.


  • particle -- The particle object just created.


class xsge_particle.Particle(x, y, z=0, tangible=False, **kwargs)

Base class for particles. It is identical to sge.dsp.Object, except that it is intangible by default.

xsge_particle.Particle Methods

Particle.__init__(x, y, z=0, tangible=False, **kwargs)

x, y, z, tangible, and all arguments passed to kwargs are passed as the corresponding arguments to the constructor method of the parent class.


class xsge_particle.AnimationParticle(x, y, z=0, tangible=False, **kwargs)

Class for particle objects which animate once and are then destroyed. It is otherwise identical to Particle.


event_animation_end() is used to control the destruction.


class xsge_particle.TimedParticle(x, y, z=0, life=None, tangible=False, **kwargs)

Class for particle objects which are destroyed after a designated amount of time. It is otherwise identical to Particle.


An alarm with the name "__life" in event_alarm() is used to control the timing. It is initially set by event_create().


The number of frames (adjusted for delta timing) after which the particle is destroyed. Setting this attribute resets the "__life" alarm to the given value. Set to None to disable timed destruction.

xsge_particle.TimedParticle Methods

TimedParticle.__init__(x, y, z=0, life=None, tangible=False, **kwargs)

Arguments set the respective initial attributes of the object. See the documentation for TimedParticle for more information.

x, y, z, tangible, and all arguments passed to kwargs are passed as the corresponding arguments to the constructor method of the parent class.


class xsge_particle.BubbleParticle(x, y, z=0, turn_factor=1, min_angle=180, max_angle=0, tangible=False, **kwargs)

Class for particle objects which randomly change their move directions.


event_step() is used to control this behavior. move_direction is manipulated.


The largest amount of rotation possible.


The lowest possible angle permitted.


The highest possible angle permitted.

xsge_particle.BubbleParticle Methods

BubbleParticle.__init__(x, y, z=0, turn_factor=1, min_angle=180, max_angle=0, tangible=False, **kwargs)

Arguments set the respective initial attributes of the object. See the documentation for TimedParticle for more information.

x, y, z, tangible, and all arguments passed to kwargs are passed as the corresponding arguments to the constructor method of the parent class.


class xsge_particle.AnimationBubbleParticle(x, y, z=0, turn_factor=1, min_angle=180, max_angle=0, tangible=False, **kwargs)

Inherits the features of both AnimationParticle and BubbleParticle.


class xsge_particle.TimedBubbleParticle(x, y, z=0, life=None, tangible=False, **kwargs)

Inherits the features of both TimedParticle and BubbleParticle.