
This module provides classes related to the graphical display.

sge.dsp Classes


class sge.dsp.Game(width=640, height=480, *, fullscreen=False, scale=None, scale_proportional=True, scale_integer=False, scale_method=None, fps=60, delta=False, delta_min=15, delta_max=None, grab_input=False, window_text=None, window_icon=None, collision_events_enabled=True, sampling_frequency=44100, stereo=True)

This class handles most parts of the game which operate on a global scale, such as global game events. Before anything else is done with the SGE, an object either of this class or of a class derived from it must be created.

When an object of this class is created, it is automatically assigned to


This class is designed to be used as a singleton. Do not create multiple sge.dsp.Game objects. Doing so is unsupported and may cause errors.


The width of the game's display.


The height of the game's display.


The width of the actual window the game is contained within. This can be changed to cause the actual window dimensions to change, but this will only have an effect if fullscreen is False.


The height of the actual window the game is contained within. This can be changed to cause the actual window dimensions to change, but this will only have an effect if fullscreen is False.


A two-part tuple containing the width and height, respectively, of the actual window the game is contained within. Each value in the tuple functions the same as window_width and window_height, but assigning to this value will set both to the desired size at the same time, resizing the window in one operation rather than two.


Whether or not the game should be in fullscreen mode.


A number indicating a fixed scale factor (e.g. 1 for no scaling, 2 for doubled size). If set to None or 0, scaling is automatic (causes the game to fit the window or screen).

If a fixed scale factor is defined and the game is in fullscreen mode, the scale factor multiplied by width and height is used to suggest what resolution to use.


If set to True, scaling is always proportional. If set to False, the image will be distorted to completely fill the game window or screen. This has no effect unless scale is None or 0.


If set to True, only integer scaling is ever used; if the window size would otherwise cause non-integer scaling, the display is windowboxed to make it scale by an integer amount. This has no effect unless scale is None or 0.


This does not guarantee on its own that pixels will remain squares. To guarantee that, you must set both this and scale_proportional to True.


A string indicating the type of scaling method to use. Can be one of the following:

  • "noblur" -- Request a non-blurry scale method, generally optimal for pixel art.

  • "smooth" -- Request a smooth scale method, generally optimal for images other than pixel art.

Alternatively, this attribute can be set to one of the values in sge.SCALE_METHODS to request an exact scale method to use.

The value of this attribute is only a request. If this value is either an unsupported value or None, the fastest available scale method is chosen.


The rate the game should run in frames per second.


This is only the maximum; if the computer is not fast enough, the game may run more slowly.


Whether or not delta timing should be used. Delta timing affects object speeds, animation rates, and alarms.


Delta timing can cause the game to be choppy. This attribute limits this by pretending that the frame rate is never lower than this amount, resulting in the game slowing down like normal if it is.


Indicates a higher frame rate cap than fps to allow the game to reach by using delta timing to slow object speeds, animation rates, and alarms down. If set to None, this feature is disabled and the game will not be permitted to run faster than fps.

This attribute has no effect unless delta is True.


Whether or not all input should be forcibly grabbed by the game. If this is True and sge.mouse.visible is False, the mouse will be in relative mode. Otherwise, the mouse will be in absolute mode.


The text for the OS to display as the window title, e.g. in the frame of the window. If set to None, the SGE chooses the text.


The path to the image file to use as the window icon. If set to None, the SGE chooses the icon. If the file specified does not exist, FileNotFoundError is raised.


Whether or not collision events should be executed. Setting this to False will improve performence if collision events are not needed.


A dictionary containing the global alarms of the game. Each value decreases by 1 each frame (adjusted for delta timing if it is enabled). When a value is at or below 0, sge.dsp.Game.event_alarm() is executed with alarm_id set to the respective key, and the item is deleted from this dictionary.


A list containing all input event objects which have not yet been handled, in the order in which they occurred.


If you handle input events manually, be sure to delete them from this list, preferably by getting them with list.pop(). Otherwise, the event will be handled more than once, which is usually not what you want.


The room which becomes active when the game first starts and when it restarts. Must be set exactly once, before the game first starts, and should not be set again afterwards.


The audio output sampling frequency in Hz.


Whether or not stereo output is enabled.


The room which is currently active. (Read-only)


A sge.dsp.Object object which represents the mouse cursor. Its bounding box is a one-pixel square. It is automatically added to every room's default list of objects.

Some of this object's attributes control properties of the mouse. See the documentation for sge.mouse for more information.


Game.__init__(width=640, height=480, *, fullscreen=False, scale=None, scale_proportional=True, scale_integer=False, scale_method=None, fps=60, delta=False, delta_min=15, delta_max=None, grab_input=False, window_text=None, window_icon=None, collision_events_enabled=True, sampling_frequency=44100, stereo=True)

Arguments set the respective initial attributes of the game. See the documentation for sge.dsp.Game for more information.

The created sge.dsp.Game object is automatically assigned to

sge.dsp.Game Methods


Start the game. Should only be called once; the effect of any further calls is undefined.


Properly end the game.


Pause the game.


  • sprite -- The sprite to show in the center of the screen while the game is paused. If set to None, the SGE chooses the image.

Normal events are not executed while the game is paused. Instead, events with the same name, but prefixed with event_paused_ instead of event_ are executed. Note that not all events have these alternative "paused" events associated with them.


Unpause the game.


Cause the SGE to recieve input from the OS.

This method needs to be called periodically for the SGE to recieve events from the OS, such as key presses and mouse movement, as well as to assure the OS that the program is not locked up.

Upon calling this, each event is translated into the appropriate class in sge.input and the resulting object is appended to input_events.

You normally don't need to use this function directly. It is called automatically in each frame of the SGE's main loop. You only need to use this function directly if you take control away from the SGE's main loop, e.g. to create your own loop.


Regulate the SGE's running speed and return the time passed.


  • fps -- The target frame rate in frames per second. Set to None to target the current value of fps.

When this method is called, the program will sleep long enough so that the game runs at fps frames per second, then return the number of milliseconds that passed between the previous call and the current call of this method.

You normally don't need to use this function directly. It is called automatically in each frame of the SGE's main loop. You only need to use this function directly if you want to create your own loop.


Refresh the screen.

This method needs to be called for changes to the screen to be seen by the user. It should be called every frame.

You normally don't need to use this function directly. It is called automatically in each frame of the SGE's main loop. You only need to use this function directly if you take control away from the SGE's main loop, e.g. to create your own loop.

Game.project_dot(x, y, color, z=0, *, blend_mode=None)

Project a single-pixel dot onto the game window.


  • x -- The horizontal location relative to the window to project the dot.

  • y -- The vertical location relative to the window to project the dot.

  • z -- The Z-axis position of the projection in relation to other window projections.

Window projections are projections made directly onto the game window, independent of the room or any views.


The Z-axis position of a window projection does not correlate with the Z-axis position of anything positioned within the room, such as room projections and sge.dsp.Object objects. Window projections are always positioned in front of such things.

See the documentation for sge.gfx.Sprite.draw_dot() for more information.

Game.project_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, color, z=0, thickness=1, *, anti_alias=False, blend_mode=None)

Project a line segment onto the game window.


  • x1 -- The horizontal location relative to the window of the first endpoint of the projected line segment.

  • y1 -- The vertical location relative to the window of the first endpoint of the projected line segment.

  • x2 -- The horizontal location relative to the window of the second endpoint of the projected line segment.

  • y2 -- The vertical location relative to the window of the second endpoint of the projected line segment.

  • z -- The Z-axis position of the projection in relation to other window projections.

See the documentation for sge.gfx.Sprite.draw_line() and sge.dsp.Game.project_dot() for more information.

Game.project_rectangle(x, y, width, height, z=0, *, fill=None, outline=None, outline_thickness=1, blend_mode=None)

Project a rectangle onto the game window.


  • x -- The horizontal location relative to the window to project the rectangle.

  • y -- The vertical location relative to the window to project the rectangle.

  • z -- The Z-axis position of the projection in relation to other window projections.

See the documentation for sge.gfx.Sprite.draw_rectangle() and sge.dsp.Game.project_dot() for more information.

Game.project_ellipse(x, y, width, height, z=0, *, fill=None, outline=None, outline_thickness=1, anti_alias=False, blend_mode=None)

Project an ellipse onto the game window.


  • x -- The horizontal location relative to the window to position the imaginary rectangle containing the ellipse.

  • y -- The vertical location relative to the window to position the imaginary rectangle containing the ellipse.

  • z -- The Z-axis position of the projection in relation to other window projections.

  • width -- The width of the ellipse.

  • height -- The height of the ellipse.

  • outline_thickness -- The thickness of the outline of the ellipse.

  • anti_alias -- Whether or not anti-aliasing should be used.

See the documentation for sge.gfx.Sprite.draw_ellipse() and sge.dsp.Game.project_dot() for more information.

Game.project_circle(x, y, radius, z=0, *, fill=None, outline=None, outline_thickness=1, anti_alias=False, blend_mode=None)

Project a circle onto the game window.


  • x -- The horizontal location relative to the window to position the center of the circle.

  • y -- The vertical location relative to the window to position the center of the circle.

  • z -- The Z-axis position of the projection in relation to other window projections.

See the documentation for sge.gfx.Sprite.draw_circle() and sge.dsp.Game.project_dot() for more information.

Game.project_polyline(points, color, z=0, thickness=1, *, anti_alias=False, blend_mode=None)

Project a series of contiguous straight lines onto the game window.


  • points -- A list of points relative to the window to position each of the polyline's angles. Each point should be a tuple in the form (x, y), where x is the horizontal location and y is the vertical location.

  • z -- The Z-axis position of the projection in relation to other window projections.

See the documentation for sge.gfx.Sprite.draw_polygon() and sge.dsp.Game.project_dot() for more information.

Game.project_polygon(points, z=0, *, fill=None, outline=None, outline_thickness=1, anti_alias=False, blend_mode=None)

Project a polygon onto the game window.


  • points -- A list of points relative to the window to position each of the polygon's angles. Each point should be a tuple in the form (x, y), where x is the horizontal location and y is the vertical location.

  • z -- The Z-axis position of the projection in relation to other window projections.

See the documentation for sge.gfx.Sprite.draw_polygon() and sge.dsp.Game.project_dot() for more information.

Game.project_sprite(sprite, image, x, y, z=0, *, blend_mode=None)

Project a sprite onto the game window.


  • x -- The horizontal location relative to the window to project sprite.

  • y -- The vertical location relative to the window to project sprite.

  • z -- The Z-axis position of the projection in relation to other window projections.

See the documentation for sge.gfx.Sprite.draw_sprite() and sge.dsp.Game.project_dot() for more information.

Game.project_text(font, text, x, y, z=0, width=None, height=None, color=sge.gfx.Color('white'), halign='left', valign='top', *, anti_alias=True, blend_mode=None, outline=None, outline_thickness=0)

Project text onto the game window.


  • x -- The horizontal location relative to the window to project the text.

  • y -- The vertical location relative to the window to project the text.

  • z -- The Z-axis position of the projection in relation to other window projections.

See the documentation for sge.gfx.Sprite.draw_text() and sge.dsp.Game.project_dot() for more information.

sge.dsp.Game Event Methods

Game.event_step(time_passed, delta_mult)

Called once each frame.


  • time_passed -- The number of milliseconds that have passed during the last frame.

  • delta_mult -- What speed and movement should be multiplied by this frame due to delta timing. If delta is False, this is always 1.


Called when the value of an alarm reaches 0.

See the documentation for sge.dsp.Game.alarms for more information.

Game.event_key_press(key, char)

See the documentation for sge.input.KeyPress for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.KeyRelease for more information.

Game.event_mouse_move(x, y)

See the documentation for sge.input.MouseMove for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.MouseButtonPress for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.MouseButtonRelease for more information.

Game.event_mouse_wheel_move(x, y)

See the documentation for sge.input.MouseWheelMove for more information.

Game.event_joystick(js_name, js_id, input_type, input_id, value)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickEvent for more information.

Game.event_joystick_axis_move(js_name, js_id, axis, value)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickAxisMove for more information.

Game.event_joystick_hat_move(js_name, js_id, hat, x, y)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickHatMove for more information.

Game.event_joystick_trackball_move(js_name, js_id, ball, x, y)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickTrackballMove for more information.

Game.event_joystick_button_press(js_name, js_id, button)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickButtonPress for more information.

Game.event_joystick_button_release(js_name, js_id, button)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickButtonRelease for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.KeyboardFocusGain for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.KeyboardFocusLose for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.MouseFocusGain for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.MouseFocusLose for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.WindowResize for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.QuitRequest for more information.

This is always called after any sge.dsp.Room.event_close() occurring at the same time.

Game.event_mouse_collision(other, xdirection, ydirection)

Proxy for See the documentation for sge.dsp.Object.event_collision() for more information.

Game.event_paused_step(time_passed, delta_mult)

See the documentation for sge.dsp.Game.event_step() for more information.

Game.event_paused_key_press(key, char)

See the documentation for sge.input.KeyPress for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.KeyRelease for more information.

Game.event_paused_mouse_move(x, y)

See the documentation for sge.input.MouseMove for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.MouseButtonPress for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.MouseButtonRelease for more information.

Game.event_paused_mouse_wheel_move(x, y)

See the documentation for sge.input.MouseWheelMove for more information.

Game.event_paused_joystick(js_name, js_id, input_type, input_id, value)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickEvent for more information.

Game.event_paused_joystick_axis_move(js_name, js_id, axis, value)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickAxisMove for more information.

Game.event_paused_joystick_hat_move(js_name, js_id, hat, x, y)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickHatMove for more information.

Game.event_paused_joystick_trackball_move(js_name, js_id, ball, x, y)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickTrackballMove for more information.

Game.event_paused_joystick_button_press(js_name, js_id, button)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickButtonPress for more information.

Game.event_paused_joystick_button_release(js_name, js_id, button)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickButtonRelease for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.KeyboardFocusGain for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.KeyboardFocusLose for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.MouseFocusGain for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.MouseFocusLose for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.WindowResize for more information.


See the documentation for sge.dsp.Game.event_close() for more information.


class sge.dsp.Room(objects=(), *, width=None, height=None, views=None, background=None, background_x=0, background_y=0, object_area_width=None, object_area_height=None)

This class stores the settings and objects found in a room. Rooms are used to create separate parts of the game, such as levels and menu screens.


The width of the room in pixels. If set to None, is used.


The height of the room in pixels. If set to None, is used.


A list containing all sge.dsp.View objects in the room.


The sge.gfx.Background object used.


The horizontal position of the background in the room.


The vertical position of the background in the room.


The width of this room's object areas in pixels. If set to None, is used. For optimum performance, this should generally be about the average width of objects in the room which check for collisions.


The height of this room's object areas in pixels. If set to None, is used. For optimum performance, this should generally be about the average height of objects in the room which check for collisions.


A dictionary containing the alarms of the room. Each value decreases by 1 each frame (adjusted for delta timing if it is enabled). When a value is at or below 0, event_alarm() is executed with alarm_id set to the respective key, and the item is deleted from this dictionary.


A list containing all sge.dsp.Object objects in the room. (Read-only)


A 2-dimensional list of object areas, indexed in the following way:


Where x is the horizontal location of the left edge of the area in the room divided by object_area_width, and y is the vertical location of the top edge of the area in the room divided by object_area_height.

For example, if object_area_width is 32 and object_area_height is 48, then object_areas[2][4] indicates the object area with an x location of 64 and a y location of 192.

Each object area is a set containing sge.dsp.Object objects whose sprites or bounding boxes reside within the object area.

Object areas are only created within the room, i.e. the horizontal location of an object area will always be less than width, and the vertical location of an object area will always be less than height. Depending on the size of collision areas and the size of the room, however, the last row and/or the last column of collision areas may partially reside outside of the room.


It is generally easier to use get_objects_at() than to access this list directly.


A set containing sge.dsp.Object objects whose sprites or bounding boxes reside within any area not covered by the room's object area.


Depending on the size of object areas and the size of the room, the "void" area may not include the entirety of the outside of the room. There may be some space to the right of and/or below the room which is covered by collision areas.


Reserved dictionary for internal use by the SGE. (Read-only)

Room.__init__(objects=(), *, width=None, height=None, views=None, background=None, background_x=0, background_y=0, object_area_width=None, object_area_height=None)


  • views -- A list containing all sge.dsp.View objects in the room. If set to None, a new view will be created with x=0, y=0, and all other arguments unspecified, which will become the first view of the room.

  • background -- The sge.gfx.Background object used. If set to None, a new background will be created with no layers and the color set to black.

All other arguments set the respective initial attributes of the room. See the documentation for sge.dsp.Room for more information.

sge.dsp.Room Methods


Add an object to the room.



This method modifies the contents of objects. Do not call this method during a loop through objects; doing so may cause problems with the loop. To get around this, you can create a shallow copy of objects to iterate through instead, e.g.:

for obj in self.objects[:]:

Remove an object from the room.



This method modifies the contents of objects. Do not call this method during a loop through objects; doing so may cause problems with the loop. To get around this, you can create a shallow copy of objects to iterate through instead, e.g.:

for obj in self.objects[:]:
Room.start(transition=None, transition_time=1500, transition_arg=None)

Start the room.


  • transition -- The type of transition to use. Should be one of the following:

    • None (no transition)

    • "fade" (fade to black)

    • "dissolve"

    • "pixelate"

    • "wipe_left" (wipe right to left)

    • "wipe_right" (wipe left to right)

    • "wipe_up" (wipe bottom to top)

    • "wipe_down" (wipe top to bottom)

    • "wipe_upleft" (wipe bottom-right to top-left)

    • "wipe_upright" (wipe bottom-left to top-right)

    • "wipe_downleft" (wipe top-right to bottom-left)

    • "wipe_downright" (wipe top-left to bottom-right)

    • "wipe_matrix"

    • "iris_in"

    • "iris_out"

    If an unsupported value is given, default to None.

  • transition_time -- The time the transition should take in milliseconds. Has no effect if transition is None.

  • transition_arg -- An arbitrary argument that can be used by the following transitions:

    • "pixelate" -- The time in miliseconds in between each pixelation update. Larger values can reduce jitter, but will result in a less smooth transition. Default is 0 (as little time as possible).

    • "wipe_matrix" -- The size of each square in the matrix transition as a tuple in the form (w, h), where w is the width and h is the height. Default is (4, 4).

    • "iris_in" and "iris_out" -- The position of the center of the iris as a tuple in the form (x, y), where x is the horizontal location relative to the window and y is the vertical location relative to the window. Default is the center of the window.

Room.get_objects_at(x, y, width, height)

Return a set of objects near a particular area.


  • x -- The horizontal location relative to the room of the left edge of the area.

  • y -- The vertical location relative to the room of the top edge of the area.

  • width -- The width of the area in pixels.

  • height -- The height of the area in pixels.


This function does not ensure that objects returned are actually within the given area. It simply combines all object areas that need to be checked into a single set. To ensure that an object is actually within the area, you must check the object manually, or use sge.collision.rectangle() instead.

Room.project_dot(x, y, z, color, *, blend_mode=None)

Project a single-pixel dot onto the room.


  • x -- The horizontal location relative to the room to project the dot.

  • y -- The vertical location relative to the room to project the dot.

  • z -- The Z-axis position of the projection in the room.

See the documentation for sge.gfx.Sprite.draw_dot() for more information.

Room.project_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, z, color, thickness=1, *, anti_alias=False, blend_mode=None)

Project a line segment onto the room.


  • x1 -- The horizontal location relative to the room of the first endpoint of the projected line segment.

  • y1 -- The vertical location relative to the room of the first endpoint of the projected line segment.

  • x2 -- The horizontal location relative to the room of the second endpoint of the projected line segment.

  • y2 -- The vertical location relative to the room of the second endpoint of the projected line segment.

  • z -- The Z-axis position of the projection in the room.

See the documentation for sge.gfx.Sprite.draw_line() for more information.

Room.project_rectangle(x, y, z, width, height, *, fill=None, outline=None, outline_thickness=1, blend_mode=None)

Project a rectangle onto the room.


  • x -- The horizontal location relative to the room to project the rectangle.

  • y -- The vertical location relative to the room to project the rectangle.

  • z -- The Z-axis position of the projection in the room.

See the documentation for sge.gfx.Sprite.draw_rectangle() for more information.

Room.project_ellipse(x, y, z, width, height, *, fill=None, outline=None, outline_thickness=1, anti_alias=False, blend_mode=None)

Project an ellipse onto the room.


  • x -- The horizontal location relative to the room to position the imaginary rectangle containing the ellipse.

  • y -- The vertical location relative to the room to position the imaginary rectangle containing the ellipse.

  • z -- The Z-axis position of the projection in the room.

  • width -- The width of the ellipse.

  • height -- The height of the ellipse.

  • outline_thickness -- The thickness of the outline of the ellipse.

  • anti_alias -- Whether or not anti-aliasing should be used.

See the documentation for sge.gfx.Sprite.draw_ellipse() for more information.

Room.project_circle(x, y, z, radius, *, fill=None, outline=None, outline_thickness=1, anti_alias=False, blend_mode=None)

Project a circle onto the room.


  • x -- The horizontal location relative to the room to position the center of the circle.

  • y -- The vertical location relative to the room to position the center of the circle.

  • z -- The Z-axis position of the projection in the room.

See the documentation for sge.gfx.Sprite.draw_circle() for more information.

Room.project_polyline(points, z, color, thickness=1, *, anti_alias=False, blend_mode=None)

Project a series of contiguous straight lines onto the room.


  • points -- A list of points relative to the room to position each of the polyline's angles. Each point should be a tuple in the form (x, y), where x is the horizontal location and y is the vertical location.

  • z -- The Z-axis position of the projection in the room.

See the documentation for sge.gfx.Sprite.draw_polyline() for more information.

Room.project_polygon(points, z, *, fill=None, outline=None, outline_thickness=1, anti_alias=False, blend_mode=None)

Draw a polygon on the sprite.


  • points -- A list of points relative to the room to position each of the polygon's angles. Each point should be a tuple in the form (x, y), where x is the horizontal location and y is the vertical location.

  • z -- The Z-axis position of the projection in the room.

See the documentation for sge.gfx.Sprite.draw_polygon() for more information.

Room.project_sprite(sprite, image, x, y, z, *, blend_mode=None)

Project a sprite onto the room.


  • x -- The horizontal location relative to the room to project sprite.

  • y -- The vertical location relative to the room to project sprite.

  • z -- The Z-axis position of the projection in the room.

See the documentation for sge.gfx.Sprite.draw_sprite() for more information.

Room.project_text(font, text, x, y, z, width=None, height=None, color=sge.gfx.Color('white'), halign='left', valign='top', *, anti_alias=True, blend_mode=None, outline=None, outline_thickness=0)

Project text onto the room.


  • x -- The horizontal location relative to the room to project the text.

  • y -- The vertical location relative to the room to project the text.

  • z -- The Z-axis position of the projection in the room.

See the documentation for sge.gfx.Sprite.draw_text() for more information.

sge.dsp.Room Event Methods


Called when the room is started for the first time. It is always called after any sge.dsp.Game.event_game_start() and before any sge.dsp.Object.event_create occurring at the same time.


Called when the room is started after it has already previously been started. It is always called before any sge.dsp.Object.event_create() occurring at the same time.


Called when another room is started or the game ends while this room is the current room. It is always called before any sge.dsp.Game.event_game_end() occurring at the same time.

Room.event_step(time_passed, delta_mult)

See the documentation for sge.dsp.Game.event_step() for more information.


See the documentation for sge.dsp.Room.alarms for more information.

Room.event_key_press(key, char)

See the documentation for sge.input.KeyPress for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.KeyRelease for more information.

Room.event_mouse_move(x, y)

See the documentation for sge.input.MouseMove for more information.


Mouse button press event.

See the documentation for sge.input.MouseButtonPress for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.MouseButtonRelease for more information.

Room.event_mouse_wheel_move(x, y)

See the documentation for sge.input.MouseWheelMove for more information.

Room.event_joystick(js_name, js_id, input_type, input_id, value)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickEvent for more information.

Room.event_joystick_axis_move(js_name, js_id, axis, value)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickAxisMove for more information.

Room.event_joystick_hat_move(js_name, js_id, hat, x, y)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickHatMove for more information.

Room.event_joystick_trackball_move(js_name, js_id, ball, x, y)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickTrackballMove for more information.

Room.event_joystick_button_press(js_name, js_id, button)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickButtonPress for more information.

Room.event_joystick_button_release(js_name, js_id, button)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickButtonRelease for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.KeyboardFocusGain for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.KeyboardFocusLose for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.MouseFocusGain for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.MouseFocusLose for more information.


This is always called before any sge.dsp.Game.event_close() occurring at the same time.

See the documentation for sge.input.QuitRequest for more information.

Room.event_paused_step(time_passed, delta_mult)

See the documentation for sge.dsp.Game.event_step() for more information.

Room.event_paused_key_press(key, char)

See the documentation for sge.input.KeyPress for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.KeyRelease for more information.

Room.event_paused_mouse_move(x, y)

See the documentation for sge.input.MouseMove for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.MouseButtonPress for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.MouseButtonRelease for more information.

Room.event_paused_mouse_wheel_move(x, y)

See the documentation for sge.input.MouseWheelMove for more information.

Room.event_paused_joystick(js_name, js_id, input_type, input_id, value)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickEvent for more information.

Room.event_paused_joystick_axis_move(js_name, js_id, axis, value)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickAxisMove for more information.

Room.event_paused_joystick_hat_move(js_name, js_id, hat, x, y)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickHatMove for more information.

Room.event_paused_joystick_trackball_move(js_name, js_id, ball, x, y)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickTrackballMove for more information.

Room.event_paused_joystick_button_press(js_name, js_id, button)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickButtonPress for more information.

Room.event_paused_joystick_button_release(js_name, js_id, button)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickButtonRelease for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.KeyboardFocusGain for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.KeyboardFocusLose for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.MouseFocusGain for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.MouseFocusLose for more information.


See the documentation for sge.dsp.Room.event_close() for more information.


class sge.dsp.View(x, y, xport=0, yport=0, width=None, height=None, wport=None, hport=None)

This class controls what the player sees in a room at any given time. Multiple views can exist in a room, and this can be used to create a split-screen effect.


The horizontal position of the view in the room. When set, if it brings the view outside of the room it is in, it will be re-adjusted so that the view is completely inside the room.


The vertical position of the view in the room. When set, if it brings the view outside of the room it is in, it will be re-adjusted so that the view is completely inside the room.


The horizontal position of the view port on the window.


The vertical position of the view port on the window.


The width of the view. When set, if it results in the view being outside of the room it is in, x will be adjusted so that the view is completely inside the room.


The height of the view. When set, if it results in the view being outside the room it is in, y will be adjusted so that the view is completely inside the room.


The width of the view port. Set to None to make it the same as width. If this value differs from width, the image will be horizontally scaled so that it fills the port.


The height of the view port. Set to None to make it the same as height. If this value differs from height, the image will be vertically scaled so that it fills the port.


Reserved dictionary for internal use by the SGE. (Read-only)

View.__init__(x, y, xport=0, yport=0, width=None, height=None, wport=None, hport=None)


  • width -- The width of the view. If set to None, it will become - xport.

  • height -- The height of the view. If set to None, it will become - yport.

All other arugments set the respective initial attributes of the view. See the documentation for sge.dsp.View for more information.


class sge.dsp.Object(x, y, z=0, *, sprite=None, visible=True, active=True, checks_collisions=True, tangible=True, bbox_x=None, bbox_y=None, bbox_width=None, bbox_height=None, regulate_origin=False, collision_ellipse=False, collision_precise=False, xvelocity=0, yvelocity=0, xacceleration=0, yacceleration=0, xdeceleration=0, ydeceleration=0, image_index=0, image_origin_x=None, image_origin_y=None, image_fps=None, image_xscale=1, image_yscale=1, image_rotation=0, image_alpha=255, image_blend=None, image_blend_mode=None)

This class is used for game objects, such as the player, enemies, bullets, and the HUD. Generally, each type of object has its own subclass of sge.dsp.Object.


The horizontal position of the object in the room.


The vertical position of the object in the room.


The Z-axis position of the object in the room.


The sprite currently in use by this object. Can be either a sge.gfx.Sprite object or a sge.gfx.TileGrid object. Set to None for no sprite.


Whether or not the object's sprite should be projected onto the screen.


Indicates whether the object is active (True) or inactive (False). While the object is active, it will exhibit normal behavior; events will be executed normally as will any other automatic functionality, such as adding xvelocity and yvelocity to x and y. If active is False, automatic functionality and normal events will be disabled.


Inactive sge.dsp.Object objects are still visible by default and continue to be involved in collisions. In addition, collision events and destroy events still occur even if the object is inactive. If you wish for the object to not be visible, set visible to False. If you wish for the object to not perform collision events, set tangible to False.


Whether or not the object should check for collisions automatically and cause collision events. If an object is not using collision events, setting this to False will give a boost in performance.


This will not prevent automatic collision detection by other objects from detecting this object, and it will also not prevent this object's collision events from being executed. If you wish to disable collision detection entirely, set tangible to False.


Whether or not collisions involving the object can be detected. Setting this to False can improve performance if the object doesn't need to be involved in collisions.

Depending on the game, a useful strategy to boost performance can be to exclude an object from collision detection while it is outside the view. If you do this, you likely want to set active to False as well so that the object doesn't move in undesireable ways (e.g. through walls).


If this is False, checks_collisions is implied to be False as well regardless of its actual value. This is because checking for collisions which can't be detected is meaningless.


The horizontal location of the bounding box relative to the object's position. If set to None, the value recommended by the sprite is used.


The vertical location of the bounding box relative to the object's position. If set to None, the value recommended by the sprite is used.


The width of the bounding box in pixels. If set to None, the value recommended by the sprite is used.


The height of the bounding box in pixels. If set to None, the value recommended by the sprite is used.


If set to True, the origin is automatically adjusted to be the location of the pixel recommended by the sprite after transformation. This will cause rotation to be about the origin rather than being about the center of the image.


The value of this attribute has no effect on the bounding box. If you wish for the bounding box to be adjusted as well, you must do so manually. As an alternative, you may want to consider using precise collision detection instead.


Whether or not an ellipse (rather than a rectangle) should be used for collision detection.


Whether or not precise (pixel-perfect) collision detection should be used. Note that this can be inefficient and does not work well with animated sprites.


The position of the left side of the bounding box in the room (same as x + bbox_x).


The position of the right side of the bounding box in the room (same as bbox_left + bbox_width).


The position of the top side of the bounding box in the room (same as y + bbox_y).


The position of the bottom side of the bounding box in the room (same as bbox_top + bbox_height).


The velocity of the object toward the right in pixels per frame.


The velocity of the object toward the bottom in pixels per frame.


The total (directional) speed of the object in pixels per frame.


The direction of the object's movement in degrees, with 0 being directly to the right and rotation in a positive direction being clockwise.


The acceleration of the object to the right in pixels per frame. If non-zero, movement as a result of xvelocity will be adjusted based on the kinematic equation, v[f]^2 = v[i]^2 + 2*a*d.


The acceleration of the object downward in pixels per frame. If non-zero, movement as a result of yvelocity will be adjusted based on the kinematic equation, v[f]^2 = v[i]^2 + 2*a*d.


Like xacceleration, but its sign is ignored and it always causes the absolute value of xvelocity to decrease.


Like yacceleration, but its sign is ignored and it always causes the absolute value of yvelocity to decrease.


The animation frame currently being displayed, with 0 being the first one.


The horizontal location of the origin relative to the left edge of the images. If set to None, the value recommended by the sprite is used.


The vertical location of the origin relative to the top edge of the images. If set to None, the value recommended by the sprite is used.


The animation rate in frames per second. Can be negative, in which case animation will be reversed. If set to None, the value recommended by the sprite is used.


The animation rate as a factor of Can be negative, in which case animation will be reversed. If set to None, the value recommended by the sprite is used.


The horizontal scale factor of the sprite. If this is negative, the sprite will also be mirrored horizontally.


The vertical scale factor of the sprite. If this is negative, the sprite will also be flipped vertically.


The rotation of the sprite in degrees, with rotation in a positive direction being clockwise.

If regulate_origin is True, the image is rotated about the origin. Otherwise, the image is rotated about its center.


The alpha value applied to the entire image, where 255 is the original image, 128 is half the opacity of the original image, 0 is fully transparent, etc.


A sge.gfx.Color object representing the color to blend with the sprite (using RGBA Multiply blending). Set to None for no color blending.


The blend mode to use with image_blend. Possible blend modes are:














None is treated as sge.BLEND_RGB_MULTIPLY.


The horizontal position of the left edge of the object's sprite in the room.


The horizontal position of the right edge of the object's sprite in the room.


The horizontal position of the center of the object's sprite in the room.


The vertical position of the top edge of the object's sprite in the room.


The vertical position of the bottom edge of the object's sprite in the room.


The vertical position of the center of the object's sprite in the room.


A dictionary containing the alarms of the object. Each value decreases by 1 each frame (adjusted for delta timing if it is enabled). When a value is at or below 0, event_alarm() is executed with alarm_id set to the respective key, and the item is deleted from this dictionary.


The total width of the object's displayed image as it appears on the screen, including the effects of scaling and rotation. (Read-only)


The total height of the object's displayed image as it appears on the screen, including the effects of scaling and rotation. (Read-only)


The current mask used for non-rectangular collision detection. See the documentation for sge.collision.masks_collide() for more information. (Read-only)


The initial value of x when the object was created. (Read-only)


The initial value of y when the object was created. (Read-only)


The value of x at the end of the previous frame. (Read-only)


The value of y at the end of the previous frame. (Read-only)


The horizontal location of the mask in the room. (Read-only)


The vertical location of the mask in the room. (Read-only)


Reserved dictionary for internal use by the SGE. (Read-only)

Object.__init__(x, y, z=0, *, sprite=None, visible=True, active=True, checks_collisions=True, tangible=True, bbox_x=None, bbox_y=None, bbox_width=None, bbox_height=None, regulate_origin=False, collision_ellipse=False, collision_precise=False, xvelocity=0, yvelocity=0, xacceleration=0, yacceleration=0, xdeceleration=0, ydeceleration=0, image_index=0, image_origin_x=None, image_origin_y=None, image_fps=None, image_xscale=1, image_yscale=1, image_rotation=0, image_alpha=255, image_blend=None, image_blend_mode=None)

Arugments set the respective initial attributes of the object. See the documentation for sge.dsp.Object for more information.

sge.dsp.Object Methods


Move the object horizontally. This method can be overridden to conveniently define a particular way movement should be handled. Currently, it is used in the default implementation of event_update_position().


  • move -- The amount to add to x.

The default behavior of this method is the following code:

self.x += move

Move the object vertically. This method can be overridden to conveniently define a particular way movement should be handled. Currently, it is used in the default implementation of event_update_position().


  • move -- The amount to add to y.

The default behavior of this method is the following code:

self.y += move
Object.collision(other=None, x=None, y=None)

Return a list of objects colliding with this object.


  • other -- What to check for collisions with. Can be one of the following:

  • x -- The horizontal position to pretend this object is at for the purpose of the collision detection. If set to None, x will be used.

  • y -- The vertical position to pretend this object is at for the purpose of the collision detection. If set to None, y will be used.


Remove the object from the current room. foo.destroy() is identical to

classmethod Object.create(*args, **kwargs)

Create an object of this class and add it to the current room.

args and kwargs are passed to the constructor method of cls as arguments. Calling obj = cls.create(*args, **kwargs) is the same as:

obj = cls(*args, **kwargs)

sge.dsp.Object Event Methods


Called in the following cases:

  • Right after the object is added to the current room.

  • Right after a room starts for the first time after the object was added to it, if and only if the object was added to the room while it was not the current room. In this case, this event is called for each appropriate object after the respective room start event or room resume event, in the same order that the objects were added to the room.


Called right after the object is removed from the current room.


If the object is removed from a room while it is not the current room, this method will not be called.

Object.event_step(time_passed, delta_mult)

Called each frame after automatic updates to objects (such as the effects of the speed variables), but before collision events.

See the documentation for sge.dsp.Game.event_step() for more information.


See the documentation for sge.dsp.Object.alarms for more information.


Called when an animation cycle ends.

Object.event_key_press(key, char)

See the documentation for sge.input.KeyPress for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.KeyRelease for more information.

Object.event_mouse_move(x, y)

See the documentation for sge.input.MouseMove for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.MouseButtonPress for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.MouseButtonRelease for more information.

Object.event_mouse_wheel_move(x, y)

See the documentation for sge.input.MouseWheelMove for more information.

Object.event_joystick(js_name, js_id, input_type, input_id, value)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickEvent for more information.

Object.event_joystick_axis_move(js_name, js_id, axis, value)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickAxisMove for more information.

Object.event_joystick_hat_move(js_name, js_id, hat, x, y)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickHatMove for more information.

Object.event_joystick_trackball_move(js_name, js_id, ball, x, y)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickTrackballMove for more information.

Object.event_joystick_button_press(js_name, js_id, button)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickButtonPress for more information.

Object.event_joystick_button_release(js_name, js_id, button)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickButtonRelease for more information.


Called when it's time to update the position of the object. This method handles this functionality, so defining this will override the default behavior and allow you to handle the speed variables in a special way.

The default behavior of this method is the following code:

if delta_mult:
    vi = self.xvelocity
    vf = vi + self.xacceleration * delta_mult
    dc = abs(self.xdeceleration) * delta_mult
    if abs(vf) > dc:
        vf -= math.copysign(dc, vf)
        vf = 0
    self.xvelocity = vf
    self.move_x(((vi + vf) / 2) * delta_mult)

    vi = self.yvelocity
    vf = vi + self.yacceleration * delta_mult
    dc = abs(self.ydeceleration) * delta_mult
    if abs(vf) > dc:
        vf -= math.copysign(dc, vf)
        vf = 0
    self.yvelocity = vf
    self.move_y(((vi + vf) / 2) * delta_mult)

See the documentation for sge.dsp.Game.event_step() for more information.

Object.event_collision(other, xdirection, ydirection)

Called when this object collides with another object.


  • other -- The other object which was collided with.

  • xdirection -- The horizontal direction of the collision from the perspective of this object. Can be -1 (left), 1 (right), or 0 (no horizontal direction).

  • ydirection -- The vertical direction of the collision from the perspective of this object. Can be -1 (up), 1 (down), or 0 (no vertical direction).

Directionless "collisions" (ones with both an xdirection and ydirection of 0) are possible. These are typically collisions which were already occurring in the previous frame (continuous collisions).

Object.event_paused_step(time_passed, delta_mult)

See the documentation for sge.dsp.Game.event_step() for more information.

Object.event_paused_key_press(key, char)

See the documentation for sge.input.KeyPress for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.KeyRelease for more information.

Object.event_paused_mouse_move(x, y)

See the documentation for sge.input.MouseMove for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.MouseButtonPress for more information.


See the documentation for sge.input.MouseButtonRelease for more information.

Object.event_paused_mouse_wheel_move(x, y)

See the documentation for sge.input.MouseWheelMove for more information.

Object.event_paused_joystick(js_name, js_id, input_type, input_id, value)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickEvent for more information.

Object.event_paused_joystick_axis_move(js_name, js_id, axis, value)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickAxisMove for more information.

Object.event_paused_joystick_hat_move(js_name, js_id, hat, x, y)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickHatMove for more information.

Object.event_paused_joystick_trackball_move(js_name, js_id, ball, x, y)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickTrackballMove for more information.

Object.event_paused_joystick_button_press(js_name, js_id, button)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickButtonPress for more information.

Object.event_paused_joystick_button_release(js_name, js_id, button)

See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickButtonRelease for more information.

sge.dsp Functions


Return a list of possible display modes that can be used for a fullscreen display. Each display mode is listed as a tuple in the form of (width, height), where width is the width of the display mode and height is the height of the display mode. The list is sorted by total number of pixels contained in the display resolution (i.e. width * height) in descending order, i.e. starting with the resolution containing the greatest number of total pixels and ending with the resolution containing the least number of total pixels.


This function is allowed to return an empty list, in which case the SGE was unable to determine what fullscreen modes are available.

sge.dsp.fullscreen_mode_ok(width, height)

Return whether or not a given fullscreen display size is supported.


  • width -- The width of the fullscreen display size to check.

  • height -- The height of the fullscreen display size to check.

See also: sge.dsp.list_modes()